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Biorg's HepaOrg is a 3D human liver model. Biorg has developed human liver organoids to provide a more advanced in vitro testing platform for researchers worldwide. For more information, please contact us.

Technical Approach

HepaOrg represents all major liver cell types - including hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells, and sinusoidal endothelial cells – ensuring physiological relevance. These organoids maintain structure and viability for over four weeks, providing a robust platform for drug testing and disease research.

Intended Applications

​Our cutting-edge liver disease models provide three key sub-models for in-depth research:​

  • Liver Fibrosis Model: Induces fibrosis via hepatic stellate cell-derived myofibroblasts, ideal for testing agents that inhibit or reverse fibrosis.

  • Liver Tumor Model: Captures diverse tumor phenotypes for studying progression and therapeutic response.

  • Immune-Competent Liver Model: Co-cultured with immune cells, this model enables the study of immune responses in liver disease, tumor-immune interactions, and immunotherapy efficacy.

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